Wordcamp Speaker: Ian Lind
Posted by judi on Oct 10, 2008 in Speakers, WordCamp Speakers • 3 commentsDon't try this at home: Avoiding wrecks on the bloggers' highway
Blogging can be immensely rewarding. It can also be dangerous. I can say that with some authority because, according to several accounts, I was the first person who lost a job because of my blog. Learn how to spot and avoid some of the potential potholes in a blogger's path.
About Ian Lind
I've been been blogging at www.iLind.net since 1999. I've also been an award-winning investigative reporter, newsletter publisher, public interest lobbyist and advocate, legislative staffer, peace activist, photographer, and more. Since 1988, I've lived in Kaaawa with my wife and cats.
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