Podcamp Speaker: L.P. “Neenz” Faleafine
Posted by judi on Oct 19, 2008 in Social Media Speakers, Speakers • 1 commentAlltop: Aggregation without the Aggravation
Alltop is a website that functions as an "online magazine rack" with the latest from a wide variety of news sources and blogs covering "all topics." Many of the Alltop sites are very useful to entrepreneurs, investors, and everyone else in the high-tech community. Alltop covers more than just business. The breadth of subjects is amazing. You can explore more than 250 topics.
This session will provide the newcomer to new media an efficient starting point to finding blogs, podcasts and news. For those already producing social and new media this will be an opportunity to discover relevant news and features.
About Neenz Faleafine
L.P. "Neenz" Faleafine is a new media evangelist. The story of her journey to this path is told best in person. Today, she is the Online Editor for Alltop.com (Are you listed? If not, let her know!) and being mentored by Guy Kawasaki. She blogs at https://faleafine.com with more projects being hatched in her mind daily! She is founder of Pono Media https://ponomedia.com (launching during Geek Week)–helping individuals and organizations implement social and new media strategies.
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