Articles about branding’

Oct 14, 2008

Wordcamp Panel: Why Blog? with Sid, Lindsea, Aaron, Christa, and Joe

Posted by in Speakers, Updates, WordCamp Speakers 3 comments

Why Blog? A panel discussion about why individuals as well as businesses should blog. Topics will include networking for individuals, branding, and customer relations for business. We'll also discuss blogging versus traditional media as a platform for reaching customers. We will also offer case studies, which will include personal examples, Google, Adobe, Twitter and more. […]

Aug 20, 2008

Get Your Podcamp Hawaii T-Shirt!

Posted by in Updates, Welcome 2 comments

T-shirts are one of the challenges of an unconference. They cost a lot. You have to order well in advance. People end up with the wrong size. People don't show even tho you bought them a t-shirt. And it goes on and on. "But people love their t-shirts!" you say. And we agree. So we've […]