Articles about marketing’

Oct 23, 2008

Podcamp Speaker: Arleen Anderson

Posted by in Business Use Speakers, Speakers 4 comments

Who Else Wants a Rush of Traffic to Their Blog/Pod Site For Free? Arleen Anderson will share specific proven methods and techniques that drive traffic to your blog and/or podcast pages which do not require spending money. You have or wish to create a public presence on the web for the purpose of being seen. […]

Oct 14, 2008

Wordcamp Panel: Why Blog? with Sid, Lindsea, Aaron, Christa, and Joe

Posted by in Speakers, Updates, WordCamp Speakers 3 comments

Why Blog? A panel discussion about why individuals as well as businesses should blog. Topics will include networking for individuals, branding, and customer relations for business. We'll also discuss blogging versus traditional media as a platform for reaching customers. We will also offer case studies, which will include personal examples, Google, Adobe, Twitter and more. […]